How to stay motivated throughout the semester

After our last blog on setting goals, you’ve probably got a lot of success planned but it can be hard to maintain that kind of motivation, especially for more long-term and difficult goals. So here are a few tips to keep you pumped and working hard.

1. Write your goals out

Like our last blog said: remember what you want and why you started.

2. Create a vision board

Sometimes the goals, or even a plan for them, gets repetitive and easier to ignore. So create a vision board that can include your goals but works to keep you focused on them. You can add pictures of the people that inspire you, quotes, a picture of where you want to be at the end of your degree, even a motto. This can be physical or online. Pinterest or collaging apps are great tools for building encouraging collections you can take with you for when you need it.

3. Hang around positive, hardworking people

The people you are around can affect your levels of ambition and motivation. Try to hang around like-minded people who encourage you toward your goals rather than toward distracting cat videos during your late night cramming.

4. Track your achievements

Whether its kicking you in the butt to work harder or seeing what percentage you need on the final exam for a high distinction, Grade Calculator is a motivational app that lets you track your progress trough the semester.

5. Reward yourself for little wins

What better way to keep you focused than positive reinforcement? Treat yourself when you achieve goals whether that’s a cupcake, a night off study after a big exam, or a little retail therapy.

Stick to it and, if nothing else works, just watch this video of Shia Labeouf shouting at you and squatting on repeat to keep you motivated.

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About the Author
Quality Training Solutions (QTS) is Registered Training Organisation (RTO), delivering nationally recognised courses. We offer a range of Certificate and Diploma courses as well as customised training and executive level courses. All courses and services are designed with flexible learning in mind and are tailored to meet the developmental needs of employers and individual students.

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