All aboard to study abroad

Studying abroad is an enlightening opportunity made possible by modern globalisation. Our well-developed travel and communication technology can shrink the distance and the barriers to international learning. Aside from a change of scenery while you’re hitting the books, here are a few reasons to learn around the world.

It’s a resume landmark

Stepping into the job market fresh out of tertiary study is a daunting prospect and standing out amongst the crowd is challenging, but a must. A little worldly experience can go a long way in showing independence, versatility, and global thinking. These are characteristics that are often looked on favourably by potential employers. Basically jet-setting in the name of education is seen as a good test of coping with change. You can also increase your job search pool as you gain connections to your study abroad country, whether that’s an immediate or future position.

Currency exchange?

Not only does a passport resume make you more likely to gain a job over your graduating peers, you’re also likely to earn more. A 2015 article in University World News found that ‘mobile’ students earned an average 17% more in their starting salaries than other graduates.

Personal growth

When studying abroad you get a chance to see the world and truly embrace yourself in new ways of life and learning. As you travel, you can also make new and lasting friends, start new hobbies and interests, and develop new skills.

There are some things that cannot be taught in a classroom and travel can be a great teacher unto itself. Learning a new language, engaging in a diverse culture or learning how to live alone are experiences that help develop you as an employee in your field but also develop character and lifelong memories.

So, if you’re looking for something to make your educational resume take flight, study abroad has many destinations. Some institutions will have an affiliated international partnership school to enable global study, which is worth investigating. In other cases, students need to independently seek options for destination learning. As opportunities continue to grow, students from around the world are packing their bags for a trip with tuition.

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About the Author
Quality Training Solutions (QTS) is Registered Training Organisation (RTO), delivering nationally recognised courses. We offer a range of Certificate and Diploma courses as well as customised training and executive level courses. All courses and services are designed with flexible learning in mind and are tailored to meet the developmental needs of employers and individual students.

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